Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just a Little Side Note

I'm sorry my Egypt posts have been lacking...
I would promise you that I'm working on it but that would be a lie.
The honest to goodness truth is that I have Midterms this week
& learning all the inner workings of Judaism is not as easy as it may sound.

But for all you dedicated stalkers out there I just wanted to give you a tiny update.
As if you haven't heard enough about Egypt on the news, I have a little more for you.

As many of you know, our group was traveling in Cairo the week the riots started. I assumed that this caused for much worry among my parents and ward members (This statement made evident from the note passing during sacrament meeting). But what I didn't realize initially was the amount of prayers sent our way from so many others.

They day after we got back we held our weekly announcements and Brother Jackson shared with us a couple of e-mails that had been sent our way. There was a message from the U.S. ambassador in Cairo (who happens to be LDS) saying "They will be able to tell their Grandchildren that they were in Cairo in January of 2011". It gave me the chills. There were letters from many staff at BYU including President Samuelson expressing their love and concern for us and our safe arrival back to the center. My favorite letter was one from Elder Holland saying that our safety was an answer to many prayers from those nail biting at home. What an amazing experience, to know that the leaders of the LDS church were praying for me.

So I just wanted to say thank you so much to all of you that kept our group in your prayers. I feel so lucky to have had this experience, and I know it was due to the Lord watching over us. There were a lot of people involved in our safety on this trip and I am so grateful for all of their hard work. It truly was an experience that I will never forget.

In our announcements today, they told us that there was an article written about us in the Daily Universe at BYU... I feel so famous! You can find the article HERE. Or pick up a paper on your way to class and save it for me because I want a copy.

Sorry again for the lag in posts, I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

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